The Works of George Berkeley, D.D.; Formerly Bishop of Cloyne, Including His Posthumous Works. With Prefaces, Annotations, Appendices, and an Account of His Life, by Alexander Campbell Fraser. In Four Volumes. Volume 3: Philosophical Works, 1734-52

  • Author: George Berkeley
  • While working as a librarian, junior dean, and lecturer in theology, Greek, and Hebrew, this Irish-born Anglican bishop and philosopher managed to write An Essay Towards a New Theory of Vision and a more well-known work, Principles of Knowledge. From the latter work came his famous empirical claim, "Esse est precipi" ("To be is to be perceived"), whose fundamental point was to deny the independent reality of material objects. Berkeley was educated at Trinity College (1700), married Anne Foster, and eventually sailed to Newport, Rhode Island, where he wrote Alciphron, defending the authority of theology.

  • ISBN: 9780543703392
  • ISBN: 9780543703385
  • Book details: This Elibron Classics title is a reprint of the original edition published by the Clarendon Press in Oxford, 1901. This book is in English. This book contains 420 pages.
  • Edition: Elibron Classics
  • Book ID: 10056930
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